Family First


This pass week was a celebration of Family in the Moravian Church a whole week dedicated to the Family of Christ.

With programmes to cater for all ages the aim was to bring families closer and bring back communication and help build stronger relationships.

“You don’t choose your
family. They are God’s gift
to you, as you are to them.”
Desmond Tutu

Too many people live in broken homes affected by negative issues, even technology has taken over family time, Sunday meals around the table are a thing of the past in some homes.


Family Rules:
1. Put the other person
2. Speak with love.
3. Tell the the truth.
4. Mind your manners
5. Make the right choice.
6. Be courageous.
7. Guard your heart.
8. Forgive freely.
9. Always do your best
10. Be thankful

You can choose your friends but your family are a gift from God, your Mom and Dad are the first people you see when you open your eyes, they will always encourage you to go for your dreams and if you fall they will lift you up.≷=ZA

….your brothers or sisters will be your worst enemies at times but they will more often than not be your best friend.

Aunties and Uncles will be like your second parents and cousins will be your best friends and will always understand you when no one else does.

Grandparents are the ones who spoil us rotten and will always be there to make us smile and give us those warm loving hugs….Grandma’s food is like Soul Food and will bring families together around the table…ALWAYS.

We are all family the sooner we realise this and start acting this way with compassion and love the world will be a better place for all.

“If a country is to be
corruption free and become
a nation of beautiful minds,
I strongly feel there are
three key societal members
who can make a difference.
They are the father, the
mother and the teacher.”
A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

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